Mode of life of Ukrainian Cossacks

To speak with a greater degree of certainty about the customs of Ukrainian Cossacks is possible since the period of Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskiy. When the Cossacks was just to begin to take shape as a phenomenon, it was of a "patchy" in nature. Among the first Cossacks were Tatars, Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians and many other nations. To talk about the Cossacks as the defenders of orthodoxy was not possibility yet. But over the years this situation has changed. Over time, it is respect for the customs and vows made of the Cossacks the Cossacks.
After the abolition of the Cossacks by Russian Empress Catherine the Great, many of the customs and rituals were forgotten, lost in time. However, historians have found many of the missing pieces of the puzzle, and we can fairly accurately imagine Cossack in its heyday: a ruthless for enemies soldier, restive, which is not a stranger to the magnanimity and generosity. The hospitality of the Cossacks was as legendary as their heroic campaigns against the Golden Horde and the Rzeczpospolita. 
Constant wars and skirmishes on the borders created so-called "cheerful warrior". The Cossacks could drink all day long with friends, participate in great feasts: they knew that while the war they will not take a drop in the mouth to the very end of this war so they could remain combat-ready units. Every day, looking into the eyes of death, Cossack remains silent at home, a sad soldier, and a strict father. At the same time, he could to tell a sparkling joke, to make a "show". After all, the Cossacks not only remembered about the death, but also understood that in life too much pain to spend more on its self-isolation. Being family men, respecting comrades, remaining faithful to their people, the Cossacks chose as a basis for their life 10 Commandments. From these commandments many of the traditions of the Cossacks have taken place. 

Traditions and rituals were not "set in stone"; they passed from mouth to mouth, turning in "unwritten law". At the root of traditions lay respect for elders, respect for the guest, and respect for women.

The Cossack and parents 

The cornerstone of the Cossack community: mother, father, godfather and godmother. It was believed that the children pay their last respects to parents on the 40th day after death, at the wake.

Godmother was a "second mother" for goddaughter, helping to prepare the girl to a life of Cossack’s wife. Godmother taught future Cossack woman in needlework, housework. Godfather also became a "second father" for his godson - he prepared the boy for the Cossack army. Here, oddly enough, he played a much greater role than the boy's father; he was getting the father with the much greater demands.

The mother and father were "icons" for their children; without the permission of parents children did not dare even to get started any work. This is one of the customs that kept to this day: the patriarchal Cossack families live in this way. Disrespect for parents was almost a mortal sin, and the wedding without parental consent the young could not even think. The Cossacks divorces almost did not happen.

The Cossack and elders 

It does not matter who is in front of the Cossack – an old beggar or an old chieftain, respect for life lived remains high. Realizing that age takes its toll and people objectively are not able to perform a particular job, the younger Cossacks are always around to help senior fellow villagers. Near them, the younger Cossacks became more moderate, more caring. If the old man went into the house or to a meeting, the Cossacks were getting up. The meeting the old man on the street was making Cossacks to bow.

In addition, when the senior was near, it was not allowed to sit, smoke and talk without his permission. To cuss and argue with the senior is unheard crime in Cossack era! It was impolite to overtake the eldest – you have to ask a permission to pass by. The seniors entered to the hut the first.

It should also be noted that the elderly were almost the judges: the only word was enough to resolve any conflict of the "youth", whether it's a fight or a dispute.

Honoring women, especially older sister, inculcated from an early age. To the deep gray hairs younger brother knows the older sister as "nenka" (“nanny”) who nursed the younger brother, when the mother was busy in homework.

The Cossack and guest 

Cossacks believed: any guest sent by God. Particularly welcome and honored guests were people who came from far away, just strangers and pilgrims who search for rest. The one who denies the guest in a shelter “enjoys” the common scorn.

Paterfamilias always offers to guest the best place at the dinner table. Interestingly, at least three days the Cossacks were not interested in the guest’s name or the place where he came from - it was indecent. Guests were so iconic personalities that they even elders give place to them. Traveling the Cossack lands Cossack could not take any food for himself or for the horse - he was a welcome guest everywhere, because he has relatives, brothers, matchmakers, godfathers and colleagues everywhere. At worst, there are always strangers, who worship the guest, as well as the Cossacks. Cossacks almost never stayed in inns.

In the state archives of the city Bohuslav (Kherson region) preserved a record: "I served two years in Bohuslav, and there are the Cossack fish factories. I used to come to the factory, and they do not even ask what kind of a man am I, and just say: “Let him eat and give him a glass of vodka, maybe he came from far and tired”. When you ended to eat, they even offered to rest, and then just ask, "Who are you? Don’t you look for a job?
- Well, I say, I do.
- So we have a job, join to us".

Almost incredible fact, according to a Catholic priest and historian Jędrzej Kitovich: in any Sich you could leave a bag of money on the street - it will remain in the same place. The Cossacks did not steal nor their or the guests’ items, and to offer their wine to the passerby was for Cossacks a sacred duty.

The Cossack and woman 

From the behavior of women (whether it be a mother, sister or wife) was estimated Cossack himself as much as he treated to them. Adhering to the Christian doctrine, the Cossacks remembered: "Wife, fear your husband". This preserves the age-old foundations: men did not interfere in the affairs of women and women - in the affairs of men. Charges were strictly segregated, and for a man to do women's work was a shame.

Woman regardless of their status in the family was number one person for protection, since she is the future of Cossack family. Although the women of those times had not so many rights than contemporaries (for example, women could not attend the meetings, their "voice" were their fathers, elder brothers, chieftains or godfathers), but they used such reverence that the rights of men they not really even needed. The head of the family is not so often been home - most of his life he spent in the war, at the military, or at the border. Of course, his word was a law in the family, but in his absence, the head was the mother; she remained responsible for the upbringing of children. It is interesting that even the casual passer-by could easily "kick ears" to tomboy, just make a remark to him and take the child to home, where the parents will punish him even more for misconduct.

In addition, mother and father never did quarrel when children were near - they were saving them from harm in all ways. Interestingly, the Cossack woman referred to her husband by name and patronymic, and a stranger to the woman is only "man". She did not appear in public without a head-covering, she was not wearing men's clothes and hair cut was considered the shame.

Cossack referred to his wife by name (in old age: my name and patronymic or just "mother"). Cossacks referred to the stranger woman according to age, "mother", "sister", "daughter" ("grandchild").

The relationship between the Cossacks 
Approaching a group of people, Cossacks bowed with the words "Zdoroven'ki buly, kozaky" (“I wish you health, Cossacks”), "Zdorovo, kozaky" (“Ahoy, Cossacks), and so on. Followed answer is "Thanks God". At a meeting after a long separation, on the depart, as well as on major holidays (such as Easter) Cossacks embraced and venerated cheeks. 

Children referred to the elders, as if to relatives: "uncle", "aunt", “nunky”, "auntie”. With the addition of the name unless knew it. To the older Cossacks and Cossack women children referred “father”, "grandfather", “grandmother”, "granny", with the addition of the name, unless, of course, knew it. You can found this custom everywhere in Ukraine nowadays.

Entering the house, the Cossacks cross oneself necessarily looking at the icons of the saints, and men necessarily removed their cap. When they exit out of the house or hut they were doing the same thing.

The Cossacks asked for forgiveness and thanked almost always with God's name on their lips: "Forgive me for Christ's sake", "God bless you", "Save us, O Christ". The Cossacks did not start and did not finish any meal or field work without a pray. Interestingly, the Cossacks felt the need to help neighbors: they will first be offered food and drink sitting next to him, and then only they taste the edibles; they will certainly help to pick up the fallen thing; they help to bring something to the right place. Cossacks never refused alms, because it’s a sin.

The Cossacks held that debt is worse than slavery, so they try to give back all the debts as soon as possible. Even unselfishness was a debt for which it is necessary to repay the same.

Although the Cossacks were treated drinking positively as a way of leisure activities, their relationship to the drunks was like those are bitter enemies of the Cossacks. They disdain to bury the dead drunks with another people: for them it was a separate cemetery, next to the suicide’s cemetery. It was rarely put a cross on drunks’ graves, but Cossacks always scored a wooden stake into their graves.

Cossacks loved embellish their military service during the feasts, but they do not lie at daily, and especially in business. It is a terrible shame for Cossack to be a Superior One of lying. Interestingly, during the festivities, children were not allowed not only to be at the table with adults, but even to stay in the room at this moment. An even more stringent in terms of family feasts were Old Believers Cossack families: it wasn’t allowed tobacco and booze except wine.

Nowadays while weddings you can see one of the "games": buying and stealing the bride. This custom has been preserved from the time of the Cossacks. If parents do not consent to daughter's wedding, the groom could "umiknuti" (“to steal”) her. It happened, however, only by prior agreement of the future newlyweds - young Cossack paid a "ransom" to the future father-in. But if a young person "has violated the honor of virgin”, and there no wedding after all, the conflict could come to bloodshed, and even distant cousins joined to it. Family is the cult of the Cossacks.

The Cossack’s daily 
Clothes are the second skin of Cossack. He was wearing only his clothes and kept it clean. To come to the feast dirty is the best way to become an object of general ridicule. Drinkers, the Cossacks at feasts tried not to get drunk as hell. It is noteworthy that the "gorіlka" (“vodka”) was carried solely on the trays, and if well drunk person stretched to the drink, he was simply run-out by tray. Such a person can be easily send to sleep off. One of drinking songs reminded: "I drink, but I don’t lose my mind". Drinking was not forced - it is voluntary, but at least during a toast you have to sip a glass. 

Interestingly, in the daily life were separate festivals (men with men and women with women) as well as common. During the common feasts men sat from one side of the table, and women from another. Cossacks knew: tipsy head can permit invalid actions against another man's wife. Coming soon to violence Cossacks could end up a feast with a scuffle or even bring to bear arms.

For a long time, unmarried couples were not allowed to wedding feasts. This was due to concerns about the morals of young people, because at the time of wedding feasts was allowed certain liberties. "Adherent" to the windows the views of young people were a usual occurrence during weddings.

The severity of the Cossacks in daily is easily explained by their way of life. The Cossacks were not superhuman, and in battles also suffered losses, often significant. Their wives might lament their husbands, they say, "you are never get close to me, you do not snuggle to me, you do not caress the child, you are like a wild man!". The Cossacks felt shame for having survived the battle where their comrades have fallen. They did not want their happiness once again reminded to the Cossacks’ widows their fate. The Cossacks never took their own children on their hands for the inconsolable widow did not explain a little kid the hard truth that his father will not come back ever.

With their entire rigor the Cossacks were very fond of gifts and goodies. No matter where Cossack riding, he always carries with him some gift, even they are going for a visit.

The Cossack’s funeral 
Cossack’s funeral differed little from others. Unless, that is dying a virgin, the body was carried solely by young Cossack girls, giving thus a tribute to the chastity and purity of the deceased. 

A dead body was carried to the cemetery on a stretcher. The coffin was covered with black or red cloth for men and white for women.

The Cossack’s horse 

Relation to the horse of any Cossack, without exceptions, was special. The horse is the best friend and loyal companion of Cossack. When Cossack going to the war, his wife bowed at the feet of the animal, for the horse "bring her husband to home," and only after this she bowed to the parents of her husband, for they did not stop to pray for his health. When the Cossack returned, his wife also bowed first to his horse – she thanked the animal.

On the funeral of Cossack, if his horse remained alive the animal went first to the funeral procession (even ahead of kin of the deceased) behind the coffin. The horse is covered with a black saddle cloth (mat under the seat), and at the side of the saddle was hung Cossack’s weapons.

The relationship between the Cossack communities and neighbors 

Cossack never hurt a fellow villager, do not deceive him, always ready to help, treat him as brothers. However, Cossacks were not squeamish by the robbery "on the side". They tried to minimize looting in co-religionists, but to burn the Polish, Tatar or Turkish settlement for them was almost the holy deed. For all its merits, the Cossacks were intolerant of another's faith, foreign customs, foreign blood, so their attacks on neighboring states were at times no less brutal and horrific than the Tatar-Mongol raids into Kievan Rus.

In this case, the Cossacks did not just hate, but frankly did not tolerate the cowards of any kind. The enemy Coward could not expect an easy death. The Cossacks were men of action, and often said, "Because of extra words the hands slack".

Upbringing of the Cossack 
Cossacks often remained the bachelors. The permanent war "contributed" the bachelor life - people just do not have time to settle down to married life. Those who prefer lechery, being caught in the last minute deal, were punished by death.

Between Cossacks were those who took a vow of celibacy, giving themselves entirely to military. Such Cossacks have upbringing over the other people's children - the future of the Cossacks – all together. The appearance of the first child’s tooth, his first words, first steps, caused a storm of delight of tempered by tens or even hundreds of fights warriors!

The birth of a boy to a Cossack is a real joy... and a real grief for the mother. Nikolai Gogol without tall talks described the life of the Cossacks in his book "Taras Bulba". The mother that beg the husband to leave the baby at least few days more for stay a little bit longer with her little happiness was not the writer’s invention. The mother knew: she can never see her child again. The boy means a warrior by default. And the gifts to him were appropriate: guns, knives, gunpowder, bows and arrows. As soon as the first tooth appeared, the child was carried to the church for worship to Ivan-warrior. It’s often the first words of young Cossacks were not "mom" or "dad". It was the words "pu" and "n’o": the first is the command to fire and the second is the order the horse to move forward. The Cossacks were unsurpassed shooters. There is evidence that the best of them could easily knock out from the holder’s hand a coin at a far distance. It’s all because of the fact that children from an early age learned to shoot during the games with their peers. When the child is three years old he could ride a horse in the yard, and in five years he rides the horse across the steppe.

Cossack woman 

Before marriage, young girls were completely free from many restrictions and often played on a par with their future husbands.

As stated earlier, the first Cossack associations consisted including Tartars, followers of the Muslim faith. Therefore, until the XVI century, the power of men over women was unlimited. But by the end of the XVII century, women have received a number of liberties, especially in old age. She gained so much rights, that she was even able to pull up the husband, if she believes that her husband "speaks or allows himself too much".

A mixture of different bloods combined especially beautiful women. What is noticeably even nowadays - Ukrainian women are considered among the most beautiful women in the world. Such were the Cossack women and that was noticed numbers of writers, including Lev Tolstoy. Until now, of the Cossack era stretches distinctive feature of the hostess: a neat appearance, beautiful clothes, and constant supervise for a homey feel.

The soul of the Cossack 
The Cossacks were consistent in their cruelty towards people of other faiths and other morals. Ready to take revenge for past persecutions and humiliations, Cossacks were an example of indomitable will, that we can notice especially in cruelty to themselves. There are almost no examples of cops and traitors between Cossacks. Once captured, they are not betraying secrets, died the death of martyrs. A striking example is the ataman (“chieftain”) of Zaporszhzhia Sich Dmitry Vyshnevetskiy. Once captured, the Sultan ordered to suspend his worst enemy for a rib on the hook over the edge. Ataman did not deny Christ and continued to curse Muhammad as long as he remained alive. Legend says that the Turks cut out and ate his heart hoping to get the courage of Cossack chieftain.

Cossacks believed that they will certainly pay the price of the soul after death if they break a promise.

The riches and Cossacks 

Of course, the Cossacks were not knights on white horses. Like any army of those time they indulged in piracy and looting. They loved riches, but they remained uncorrupted until sunset era of the Cossacks. History has preserved a vivid example of principled Cossacks serving as a reminder that the soul cost much more than any riches.

In the 1627-1637 years Cossacks were often raided the Turkish territory and the Sultan could not oppose them. He had sent ambassadors, promising an annual tribute to the Cossacks, if they refuse to looting. The Cossacks found the proposal an insult to their honor. They were responding on such offers with new raids. The last hope of the Sultan was the gift of four gold coats to Cossack magistrates. The atamans contemptuously rejected the gifts, saying that they do not need any Sultan's gifts.

Cossacks’ sea campaigns 

Cossacks’ sea campaigns never ceases to amaze their audacity and good fortune. Cossacks did not stop hiking while it’s a fog or a storm. Light Cossack ships were placed from 30 to 80 people. On these vessels trimmed by reeds they managed to ruin even Istanbul. They did not just tear down the cities, but they retook the captives - their brothers. It was the rare at the sea situation - "the game with only one goal”, the total sea domination. The Cossacks are almost always emerged victorious from the sea battles, blowing on the bottom of the well-armed Turkish ships with the entire crew. Cossacks raided the port cities of Turkey, Romania, and Georgia.

Cossack glory 

Strict discipline, integrity and cruelty to enemies were doing of Cossacks the "tidbit" for any European state. The way of life full of austerity, hardship and sorrow, tempered these people. Cossacks were inviting by the French and Germans at the military service. But most of all in their army tried to get hold of the nearest neighbors. For example, in 1574 the Moldovan government Ioan Vode Lyutiy (Ivan Lyutiy, Viteazul) asked the Cossacks to help with the Turkish oppression and to gain independence from the Ottoman Empire. Hetman Ivan Svyrgovskiy himself with an army of about 1,400 people came to the aid of fellow believers. Ivan Lyutiy met Cossacks with cannon volleys, and at a banquet in their honor, brought to the elders silver trays with mountains of gold coins as a symbol of gratitude. The Cossacks refused the money, saying he came to cope with the unbelievers - and nothing more. It is noteworthy that the first battle, which took place in 1575, ended with a crushing defeat of the Turks, though an army of Cossacks were much smaller - and that was while the siege of the fortress! After that, there was another series of brilliant battles, but during one of the key battles (the assault of Kilia, in Odessa region) Hetman died during the battle (according to the text of one of the folk songs, he was captured and executed in Istanbul). Divided by the Hetman army did not manage to reunite in time, and the Turks blew up part of the city together with the Cossacks during the siege by Svygorskiy, and by organizing a counter-attack, destroyed almost all the army. After suffering huge losses, the two armies of the Cossacks reunited yet after the defeat of the first one, returning to Ukraine.

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